About us

Welcome to DYDU, where meaningful connections are at the heart of everything we do. We are a Canadian-based company, founded by two best friends; Ashley and Melisa, who share a passion for bringing people together through thought-provoking questions.

Our journey began with a simple belief: that questions have the power to deepen relationships and foster understanding. We believe that by asking the right questions, we can unlock hidden depths, strengthen bonds, and create lasting memories.

Our mission is to inspire people to connect on a deeper level, to rediscover the joy of genuine conversation, and to create moments of connection between two people. Each card in our game is crafted with care, designed to spark curiosity, maybe shed a few tears, and encourage empathy.

How the Founders Met:

I (Ashley) was looking to move out of my first apartment into a better area for work, I searched up and down throughout the GTA for a condo in a good area that I liked. I ended up finding the building that I'm currently living in now and looked at two units. I was torn and didn't know which one I liked better but I ended up picking the one I'm currently living in until this day.

6 months into living here, I heard a knock on my door, so naturally I got up to see who it was. when I opened the door I saw a huge bouquet of flowers. I had no idea who would've sent me them so I checked the sticker attached to it, and although it didn't say who the sender was, it did say who it was for. The flowers were for a "Melisa", and although it showed my unit number, the person who had sent them clearly made a mistake.

I called the number and got in contact with Melisa, and the rest was history. she came to pick up her flowers, invited me over for wine and it so happens to be that she is literally my next door neighbor! I brought over a card game I had and we sat down and played for hours talking and getting to know each other. From that moment on we were inseparable.

Now our mission is to do the same for others with even deeper questions that we specifically curated to to ensure you get to know someone down to their core. We skipped the small talk boring questions that we noticed a lot of card games tend to have and decided to get straight into the good juicy stuff.


We hope you love it just as much as we do <3